Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business


Cell phone photo printers coming to Walmart?

This is just as much a backend infrastructure story as it is a sheer wicked functionality story: In a story about a completely different topic, Wal*Mart let spill that it's working on a solution that will let people take their cellphones to a Wal*Mart photo center and print the pictures off their phones with zero fuss.

Here's the quote I found on the subject:

"Wal-Mart is working on a solution to allow camera phone users to upload images from their phones to nearby locations for printing."

What's extraordinarily cool about this is that Wal*Mart is one of the very few companies with enough leverage to force cellphone providers Verizon, Cingular, etc., to actually open up their phones so that it'll be easy for people to print the currently almost inaccessible photos on their phones.

Toss in some Bluetooth, sprinkle in a nice HP-powered photo printer, and you've got one solid reason to make Wal*Mart a must-visit after your next party.

To read more about this story, please go to Future Photo Plans for Wal*Mart, as reported at The Intuitive Life Business Blog.