Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business


Maximizing your Google AdSense results with "Channels"

I hear from a lot of different Google AdSense participants about their results with the program, and it's surprising to me how many say that they're quite dissatisfied with their ability to monetize their traffic. Some will share comments like "I earned $18 last month, so I've decided to just drop out of the program entirely". It's their decision, but I have to say that a little bit of effort put into customizing your AdSense ad blocks and learning about how to fine tune your use of the AdSense system can really pay big benefits in terms of you truly understanding what is and isn't working on your site.

A great example of this is Google's "Channels" with AdSense. By using these channels intelligently, you can differentiate between different ad block layouts on your pages, different areas of your site, and even different domains if you're running AdSense on more than a single domain. And y'know what? It's pretty darn easy to do, as detailed here:

    Maximize your AdSense Income with AdSense Channels

It's well worth reading if you're an AdSense participant, and if you're not, well, maybe the figures in my example report could motivate you to sign up?