Waiting for "Olympics 2.0"
it's quite trendy to use a weblog as a bully pulpit to complain about something or other, and every so often I can't resist the siren song myself. It's hard not to be upset, though, when watching the 2006 Winter Olympics coverage on NBC TV, however, with its endless commercials, insipid background vignettes and idiotic commentary. But even the way the Olympics programming is made available is terribly behind the times, completely missing the usability and viewer-friendly programming guides most of us now have. There's a lot about the Olympics to love and who doesn't like watching the world's best athletes competing for national glory and cool medallions anyway? Yet ratings are down for the Olympics. Maybe, though, it's all related...
Terrible Olympics Coverage by NBC
I really just want to be in Torino for a few weeks, attending the events myself. But that's not exactly realistic.
Terrible Olympics Coverage by NBC
I really just want to be in Torino for a few weeks, attending the events myself. But that's not exactly realistic.