Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business


Debunking the myth of Kryptonite and the blogosphere

If you've read any of the recent wave of books about blogging or even attended a workshop or conference on the subject, you've doubtless been told the harrowing tale of Kryptonite locks and how bloggers created a major crisis for the firm, muchly because the company just wasn't paying attention to us bloggers and was broadsided by the news that someone had figured out how to pick one of their bike locks. I've always been skeptical of this story, and when I finally had a chance to sit down with Donna Tocci, Public Relations Manager of Kryptonite, I was delighted that she consented to help clear up the many myths and falsehoods about the situation.

You can read the long, involved interview here:

    Debunking the Myth of Kryptonite Locks and the Blogosphere

If you're at all interested in blogging as a business communications tool and particularly in how companies need to be prepared for damage control and crisis management in the online world, Donna has lots of good insights too.