Help craft a blogosphere damage control strategy
Just about every company has a bad day, an inferior product and some disgruntled customers. It's inevitable, whether you're running a restaurant or building million-dollar homes. What's new is that unhappy customers now have a greater reach than they ever did in the past, and companies can no longer easily ignore these grumblers, but have to actively address their public comments.
I've been asked to help one company with just this challenge, to help them come up with a response to critical reviews of their service on some well-known blogs. The company knows it's losing sales because of these critiques (the power of blogs!) but how to respond?
Building a blog damage control strategy
Even the most rabid anti-business folk must agree that it's best to have both sides of a situation presented, but there's a lot more to it than that. Please, read what I suggest and add your own ideas on this topic.
I've been asked to help one company with just this challenge, to help them come up with a response to critical reviews of their service on some well-known blogs. The company knows it's losing sales because of these critiques (the power of blogs!) but how to respond?
Building a blog damage control strategy
Even the most rabid anti-business folk must agree that it's best to have both sides of a situation presented, but there's a lot more to it than that. Please, read what I suggest and add your own ideas on this topic.