Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business


Steve Ballmer announces the Microsoft Midsize Business Center

I just received the following Executive Email message, the latest in what passes for an entry on Steve Ballmer's virtual weblog at Microsoft. It's quite long, ironically so for a notice about an effort to simplify computing for midsize businesses, but there's some very interesting positioning here, well worth reading.

Microsoft: Together We Build Businesses

Midsize companies face many of the same demands as large corporations. Globalization has opened up new market opportunities, and to take advantage of them it is essential for businesses to maximize efficiency and collaborate with partners and suppliers around the world. Business success increasingly comes from delivering more personalized, just-in-time service to customers. The regulatory environment requires greater attention to compliance and record-keeping. Yet companies with less than 1,000 employees often struggle to find the resources to tackle these challenges.

At Microsoft, we believe that the key ingredient to sustaining and growing a business is the people behind it. Together with our partners we're creating technology solutions that can amplify people's impact in a way that can drive business success for midsize companies around the world.

This week at the Microsoft Business Summit, we're bringing together hundreds of midsize business leaders to discuss the unique challenges they face and explore how they can...