Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business


Google's selling ads on specific Web sites?

Dave, rumor has it that Google's introducing a new "advertise on this site" feature for the top performers in the AdSense program, but I can't seem to find any specific information about it, and when I go to the AdSense site, there's no information about it. Do you have any information about this?

By an amazing coincidence, my friend and colleague Tim Carter just told me that he's in a beta program from Google that is exactly what you're asking me about. Go to Ask The and you'll see an interesting new link on the Google AdSense block on his busy site:

'Advertise on this site' program from Google AdSense

Can you see the link here? Advertise on this site is something that's actually added by Google itself when the advertisement is served up.

Now, click on it and here's what you see, served up by Google, not Tim's site...