Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business


Should everyone in a company reap the benefit of a sale?

Dave, I've been reading a lot of buzz back and forth about the sale of contractor-built companies like Weblogs Inc., and am wondering what you think about how far down the corporate ladder the benefit of a change in ownership should travel. I'm of the opinion that full-time salaried employees should see a percentage of the sale based on their percentage of ownership, but that's as far as I go.

I've been talking about this with some colleagues of mine, so it's a very timely question.

Let me start by sharing my own experiences as an entrepreneur who has sold multiple companies, each of which has had joint ownership and employees or contractors. I have always done my very best to ensure that everyone I work with shares in the upside of any success I've seen, whether it be a secretary, programmers, or even consultants or Board members who have been there to help advise me.

With that perspective, it should be no surprise that I find it...