Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business


Keynote speaker at the Blog Business Summit

Conferences and workshops tend to blur together when you travel and speak as frequently as I do, so I'm always glad when I am involved in an event that's focused far more on education and intelligent discourse than on selling products or services, either from the podium or the exhibit hall. Don't get me wrong, those conferences can be valuable and I've learned quite a bit attending those sort of events, but as a former research scientist, there's much I prefer about getting together with a few hundred of the best people in the industry and exploring best practices and opportunities together.

That's why I am delighted to share that I am not only going to be enthusiastically attending the upcoming Blog Business Summit in Seattle, but that I'm also going to be offering up a keynote talk on findability.

In fact, the line up of speakers for the Summit reads like a who's who of sharp thought and influence leaders in the blogging world, including ...

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