Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business

Friday media portal missing a fundamental capability

You need merely glance at the advertising and revenue trends to see that newspapers are in dire straits as more and more people move to the Internet for their news and information. It's a logical transition to me, at least, and the core question that publishers are asking is how do I remain relevant?

For a lot of news companies, the solution is to create portals, community Web sites where they can engage what are now called "citizen journalists", hoping to trade their name, reputation and visibility for free content from community authors who will then help all of us stay more up-to-date with our own neighborhood. It's a reasonable strategy, but it's surprising how few media companies actually seem to get all the pieces properly in place., from the Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News, offers an interesting twist on this concept too; the most popular blog articles are going to be included in an every-Thursday supplement distributed in the print edition of the papers. Cool idea. But there's a fundamental flaw in how they've implemented that makes it far less attractive:

    Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News almost get it right with

I'd be interested in your thoughts on this topic too.