Ask Dave Taylor: Tech and Business


Blog Smart media sponsor: Boulder County Business Report

I'm presenting a half-day business blogging workshop on May 5th here in Boulder, Colorado with the catchy name of Blog Smart!. If you're a business person then you need to find out from an expert what all this "blogging" stuff is about and how it can help you:
  • Be more competitive
  • Establish a credible two-way dialog with your customers and market
  • Get more results with less marketing expenditure
  • Establish yourself as a market leader and marketplace expert
  • Increase your findability with search engines
The workshop is aimed at both business executives and entrepreneurs and will most assuredly not be geeky or technical, but strategic, helping you see how you can apply blogging to your business marketing, sales and customer service efforts immediately. Learn more: Blog Smart!

I'm pleased to announce that our media sponsor for the workshop is the Boulder County Business Report. If you're based in Western Colorado or even doing business in the Boulder area with one of our many world-class firms, then you need to be reading BCBR, our business publication of record.

The Boulder County Business Report offers the latest business news on a variety of different areas:In addition, the Business Report offers a mainstay for all regional business publications, a "Book of Lists". You may think that it's obsolete with Google and other online tools, but I have to admit, one of the first places I turn when I get a new issue of BCBR is their Business List section. It's an excellent place to identify leads, among other things. Better yet, if you're coming into Boulder (or want to relocate out here), there's no better place to start your research than to buy the latest BCBR Book of Lists.

Finally, one thing I find very interesting about the Boulder County Business Report is that they have a Web-based database that contains all articles published in the Report along with lots of statistics on local companies. The custom database -- that other Business publications apparently license, according to BCBR sources -- is called Data Joe and it's a great model for other publications to use too.